The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."” - Mahatma Gandi

Some issues close to Morika's heart and ways you may wish to help are listed below.

 You can make a difference by signing the parliamentary petitions listed below and joining the Australian alliance for animals who have provided a guide on how to make a submission before the end of May 2024.  This will ensure better protection for animals and repair our broken animal welfare system.  An independent office of animal welfare is urgent..  Learn how via submission writing workshop -


You may also wish to contact your  local MP regarding the following specific issues - please refer submission below as a reference  /files/1283748/Submission to parliament to change laws relating to Animals in Australian

Issues relating to dogs -Follow the lead of countries who have had great success with changes in policy to protect dogs.

  •  make unlawful the practice of keeping a dog chanined and unattended.   Already unlawful in Hugnary, Germany, Malta and many states in the US. Petitions for dogs listed under image of dog,Collars%20must%20be%20adequate.
  • make  unlawful to use of ollars that cause pain and harm to dogs. These include choke prong and shock/electric collars. Supported by the rspca.  (please note prong collars are now illegal in QLD, Victoria and Tasmania)


More issues

  • Stop the explosion of online animal torture - shine a light on the slow response of major social media platforms to take much of it down. (please note a letter will be available via this site by 23 May - please send to the Esafety commissioner.  It asks her to send a letter to social media platforms to cease and desist showing torture of dogs and other animals even after reports have been made.   
  • Shine a light on the need to make shade shelter mandatory for all animals in the climate crisis.  (see petition below)
  • Shine a light for urgent need to  release inhumane caging and extraction of bile from sun and moon bears suffering in farms still active in Asia (join
  • Help working horses without access to medical care. (please join
  • Help animals in war zones. (please join


Many countries, particluarly in Asia,  have seen an explosion in the online torture of dogs and other animals on social media. The major giants are slow to take them down from their platforms and some continue to be shown even after a report has been made. To learn about the issue and how to report please refer to  Media assistance required.

To hear from the Director of charity Soi Dog Foundation in Thailand rescuing tortured dogs on the frontline please refer to

FREEING DOGS FROM inhumane misery of LIFE ON A CHAIN- sign and share the petition to PROHIBIT THE UNATTENDED CHAINing OF DOGS

Chained dogs left in Hail & freezing conditions without access to shelter from the elements.  Millions of dogs around the world spend their lives on the end of a chain.  Many are dying in the climate crisis.  Already unlawful in Hungary, Germany  & Malta and many states in America with positive results for the community and dogs.  Recognised as an inhumane practice by leading Veterinary Medical associations.  Please refer to the attached submission to learn why.

Submission to Queensland Parliament to change Policy on Cruelty to Animals - Resource to use to change laws in your own country Submission provided by Animals Need Shade for recent review of the Animal Care and Protection Act in QLD to prohibit the Unattended Chaining of Dogs, To make Shock & Choke Dog Collars illegal and To make Shade Shelter Mandatory for all animals in climate crisis
Advice from the RSPCA and other community members on these and many other animal cruelty issues were ignored. We advise you to join made up of ex CEO's of RSCPA who know first hand how broken our animal welfare system really is.
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Current Petitions to Make Shade shelter Mandatory in the climate crisis 

Current Petitions to Protect Dogs - (more petitions coming for all states)

1. Prohibit the unattended chaining of dogs -Click this link to open the E-Petition: 

2. Prohibit - shock dog collars already banned in other states in countries.

3. Prohibit the use of choke collars. Evidence shows negative training based on pain and punishment 

Specific information on dogs

 the Animals Need Shade submission made to the Queensland government, Australia -  our contributoin to the parliamentary review OF THE ANIMAL CARE & PROTECTION ACT.   Please use as a reference to create change in your own country relating to dogs, and all farmed and domestic animals without access to shade shelter.


This dog.died in Queensland Australia from a slow and painful death exposed to the blazing sun - current legislation allows for dogs to  continue to be chained.  There will be more deaths this summer while legislators sit in their air conditioned offices.   Chaining  destroys a dog and affects a dog physically and psychologically with many developing behavioural issues and aggression.  Our submission includes statistics on dog bites with chained dogs 3 times more likely to bite.

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